Lanzhou, China, 2015

While an artist in residence at Lanzhou City University in Lanzhou, China, I became enamored with the floral embroidered insoles sold along the streets (from the lovingly hand-stitched to machine-made to the DIY cross-stitch kits complete with needle and thread). Though a commonplace item in Lanzhou, this bit of material culture was new to me and worthy of deeper exploration, becoming the inspiration for the body of work I made while there.

Alight, 2015. Wood, lacquer, LED lights. 36 x 48 inches, Collection of the Dunhuang Creative Center
Garden, 2015. Altered rice paper book. When open 24 x 12 inches, Collection of the Dunhuang Creative Center
Bouquet, 2015. Collected insoles, thread. 60 x 60 inches
Imprint, 2015. Wood, paint, chain. 90 x 48 inches, Collection of the Dunhuang Creative Center
Landscape, 2015. Fired clay, roses.  Approx. 4-8 x 5-11 x 2-8 inches, Collection of the Dunhuang Creative Center


comings & goings

